Saturday, February 2, 2013

Competing Worldviews: Part 2

What effect has this difference in worldview had on the church?

Unfortunately, the church has been content to sit back and take no stand at all.  Without any biblical guidance to the contrary, the average churchgoer either accepts evolution as a fact, both scientifically and historically, or they hide behind weakly supported Bible stories.  Too often they ignore the evidence, or they reject it out of fear of looking foolish.  It doesn't have to be that way.

The church can stand firm on the Bible...if only we will step up and learn the facts.  There is data.  There is evidence.  And it doesn't fit the evolutionary paradigm.

What if mankind is not ancient as science claims?
What if mankind didn't evolve slowly out of slime?
What if he didn't start out as an ignorant brute?
What if he really was created in God's image?
What if mankind really did gather in one place, build a tower, form a religion and a world government?
What if God really did confuse man's languages, forcing them to scatter across the earth?

In other words, what if the Bible really is true?

And what if the evidence confirms it?

There's another part to this picture.  What if Satan is real and is actively perverting God's plan?

For that is what Satan does.  He perverts.  He cannot create.  He uses God's designs and distorts them to fit his own plan.  He really wants to make sure that God's plan isn't discovered...inventing an alternate storyline for people to "discover"...enticing them with lies that seem like the truth.  And our culture gives them its attention and its praise.  We must be on our guard, for the lies are subtly close to the truth.

There's only one thing that the naturalist/evolutionist can do with the facts and evidence that doesn't agree with his worldview...
The topic of ancient man does not have to be complicated or frightening.  In contrast, the truth about ancient man can be both intriguing and encouraging.  With the right starting point...presuppositions based on the Word of God...ancient history comes alive with truth!
And with our biblical glasses on...we see the truth:
  • The earth is young
  • History is young
  • Man was created intelligent
  • Man's history is full of evidence for the truth of the Bible.
Thanks must be given for the outline and some content of this section to Jackson Hole Bible College and their new book The Genius of Ancient Man.

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